Donnerstag, 9. Juni 2011
Donnerstag, 9. Juni 2011
Day 97: The End...

It is 23:54 pm and I am sitting on my bed, staring at the wall of my room. The outside temperature is still 27°C, making me feel completely exhausted. Not wanting to move, to think, to breethe, just wanting to sit, happy about every tiny breeze coming through the wide opened window every once in a while.
Tomorrow at this time I will be in Berlin, back to the place where everything began three months ago...
What am I supposed to write in this last blog entry? I could try to explain this present mood to you - an ambigous, strange feeling...sad to have to say goodbye again, not knowing when I will be back. Satisfied to have successfully managed this journey, three months, four countries, dozens of people. I have to think of the lady from Dagestan selling her bread to me, names like Abudu, Zamira, Shamil, Alisher and Jangar, people who made those formerly surreal places appear very personal all in a sudden. I feel somehow depressed that the adventure is over, an adventure which I was looking forward to for such a long time. I feel happy about everything I learned...I saw...I experienced. Glad that I will be again just one person among others, no "alien" anymore. Somehow I am scared about the loads of work waiting for me now...
I have to think of this game I played together with some friends a couple of days ago. Five turtles, five colours. The goal is to reach the other side of the board. Once you reach the last field, you can just start again from the beginning...somehow comforting to know...

See you again soon!
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